Sign up Early for the 7th Annual Discipleship Conference

Sign up early (for In-person or via Zoom) for the 7th Annual Rediscovering the Holy Scriptures Disciple’s Reformation Conference 2024

HOSTED BY: Apostle Kelvin & Ramona Franklin, NT Church Movement Ministry

2024 THEME: The Mystery and Ministry of Discipleship in JESUS CHRIST: “How-To Become a True Disciple and Teach Others (St. Matthew 16:24-28; St. John 8:31-32; and Ephesians 5:25-27)

DATE: 22-24 November 2024 (Friday through Sunday)

LOCATION: Kerrville, TX (1 hour west of San Antonio Airport on I-20 West)

See the speakers, agenda, and topics, and sign up at Eventbrite (CLICK THIS LINK)!

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Discipleship Training Syllabus – Learn to be a Disciple of JESUS CHRIST

The NT Church Movement Ministry has established a Free Discipleship Training Course. The syllabus can be freely accessed or downloaded.

The purpose of this course is to HELP YOU become TRANSFORMED into a TRUE Follower and Disciple of JESUS CHRIST. We aim to move many from the modern practice of following religion to the Scriptural Pattern of actively pursuing Discipleship in JESUS CHRIST through the READING and STUDYING of the Holy Scriptures! 

This course provides the Holy Scriptures that enable one to be TRULY REBORN and TRANSFORMED to a new life in JESUS CHRIST! This course provides a SYSTEMATIC TEACHING and JOURNEY through the NT Scriptures given by JESUS CHRIST through Paul and the other Apostles. The Apostle’s writing provides the “HOW-TOINSTRUCTIONS on WALKING with JESUS CHRIST

Syllabus – Learn How to be a True Disciple / Learn How to Perform Ministry Based on the NT Discipleship Pattern in the Holy Scriptures

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5th Annual Rediscovering the Holy Scriptures Disciple’s Reformation Conference – AGENDA


E-mail to obtain the ZOOM link to participate virtually!

DATE: November 18-20, 2022
LOCATION: Y.O. Ranch Hotel and Conference Center in Kerrville, TX

All times are Central Standard Time (CST)

FRIDAY (18 Nov 2022)

7 – 7:30 P.M. CST – Opening

7:30 – 9 P.M. CST – The Doctrines of JESUS CHRIST: Learn “How-To” be a True Disciple and Graduate” (Apostle Kelvin Frankin, NT Church Ministry, New Braunfels TX)

SATURDAY (19 Nov 2022)

7:00 – 8:00 CST – Morning Prayer and Praise (Including Mayim Chayim – Living Water Community Dance Group, Singer and Musician Larry Watlington, Pianist Kelvin Franklin, Singer Shalanda Franklin)

8:00 – 8:50 A.M. CST – The Gospels (Teacher Larry Watlington, Simplicity of the Word Ministry, Dallas TX)

9:00 – 9:50 A.M. CST – The Kingdom of GOD and the Death of the Institutional Church (Apostle Renate McWright, San Antonio TX)

10:00 – 10:50 A.M. CSTCasting Down Your Imagination (Elder Mark Baker, He Restoreth My Soul Ministry, Newport News, VA)

11:00 – 11:30 A.M. CST – Moring wrap-up session

11:30 A.M. – 1:00 P.M. CST LUNCH BREAK

1:00 – 1:50 P.M. CST – Guest Speaker – Carolyn Figlioli (Director, IRIS Global Ministry, South Sudan & Uganda – Amazingly rescued 150 children from her orphanage during the civil war in South Sudan. Come hear her amazing story. You can also watch her amazing story on Amazon Prime Video: Walk With Me: When War Comes To Your Door: Walk With Me: When War Comes To Your Door)

2:00 – 2:50 P.M. CST – Guest Speakers – Apostle Dr. Daniel White and Evangelist Dr. Clotia White (Hear the testimonies from their eight (8) years of ministry in these West African Cities and Countries: 1. Bamako, Mali; 2. Ouagadougou Burkina Faso; 3. Tripoli, Libya; and 4. The Gambia. Hear their amazing testimonies of being brought back from death, numerous healings, and many miracles by their hands that brought many Muslims to salvation in JESUS CHRIST ) (current home – San Antonio, TX)

2:50 – 6:00 P.M. CST DINNER BREAK

6:00 – 6:30 P.M. CST – Evening Prayer and Praise (including Mayim Chayim – Living Water Community Dance Group, Singer and Musician Larry Watlington, Pianist Kelvin Franklin, Singer Shalanda Franklin)

6:30 – 7:30 P.M. CST – Learning to Walk with JESUS CHRIST (Apostle Kelvin Franklin)

7:30 – 8:30 P.M. CST – Conversations with Two Apostles – Question and Answer Period (Apostle Kelvin Franklin, Apostle Larry Carter, Apostle Daniel White, Apostle Renate McWright, and a panel of teachers and ministers)

SUNDAY (20 Nov 2022)

1130 A.M. – 1:30 P.M. CST – Discipleship worship service with Communion at the Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden ( )

(Including Mayim Chayim – Living Water Community Dance Group, Singer and Musician Larry Watlington, Pianist Kelvin Franklin, Singer Shalanda Franklin)

Teaching: Learning to Walk with JESUS CHRIST (Apostle Kelvin Franklin)

Learn more and follow us on our blog at NT Church Or follow us on Facebook. You can also email us at for more information.

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The Discipleship Journal (NEW BOOK RELEASE)

Click the link to shop (Galilee Publishing Store – The Discipleship Journal)

COME LEARN “How-To” READ and STUDY the Holy Bible!!  It is available for $18.99 in our Galilee Publishing Online Store!  This is the first book of our “Teach Yourself the Gospel Series!”

This journal is a SELF-HELP guide that is easy to read and understand.  It enables you to TEACH YOURSELF “How-To” READ and STUDY GOD’S WORD! It provides a simple and systematic process that is practical and easy to learn and understand for anyone who wants to become a devoted student of GOD‘s WORD!

The Journal is 8”x10” with large print, 156 pages (which includes 60 journal pages), and includes a chart of the New Testament books in chronological order!  The Journal has two sections: the first guides you on “How-To” STUDY, and the second provides instructions on journaling in addition to providing journal pages to record your growth journey! 

Come, begin your journey to growth as a Disciple of JESUS CHRIST as you READ and STUDY the Holy Bible (the Holy Scriptures), which will renew the THOUGHTS of your IMAGINATION (your HEART) in the WORD of GOD!  

The Discipleship Journal will SOON be available on Amazon

Also, watch for our next Teach Yourself the Gospel Series book planned for release later this fall!

Click the link to shop (Galilee Publishing Store – The Discipleship Journal)

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Links to Presentations for the 5th Annual Rediscovering the Holy Scriptures Disciples Reformation Conference

We are making available slides and documents for this year’s conference.

You can download them at this link: 2022 Disciples Conference Resources.

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Read an online excerpt from “Paul, The Moses of the New Testament Church”

In 2021, Ramona and I started Galilee Publishing and published our first book, “Paul, The Moses of the New Testament Church!” The book was a significant effort: 8 1/2” x 11’ x 1.5”. 3 lbs. 12 oz. 600 pages. 

Click here to preview a 70-page excerpt that we have placed online.

This book is designed for those who have never read or studied the Scriptures. Yet, its wisdom and revelations can assist those who have studied for years. Kelvin poured more than 50 years of wisdom he gained through his exhaustive reading and studying of the Scriptures. This book will greatly enhance your knowledge and understanding of the Book of the Holy Scriptures (The Holy Bible).

This book is designed as a Comprehensive New Testament (NT) Disciple’s Training Resource and provides practical “How-To” scriptural guidance on living as an NT Disciple and Follower of JESUS CHRIST!  600 Pages, more than 400 passages of Scriptures, with 33 illustrations/tables/charts.  Learn Discipleship based on NT Apostles and Disciples’ writings, especially those of Paul who JESUS CHRIST personally sent to teach the Gentiles, Jews, and Kings how to become His Disciples.  Includes the complete text of the basic book plus two more sections devoted to teaching Scriptural Patterns and Wisdom regarding Discipleship in JESUS CHRIST! (Acts 9:15, Gal. 1:1- 2:8) 

This book is your answer if you are seeking to fill the emptiness and learn to be a “TRUE” Disciple and Follower of JESUS CHRIST!

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5th Annual Rediscovering the Holy Scriptures Disciples Reformation Conference (Kerrville, TX)

Please join us for our 5th Annual Rediscovering the Holy Scriptures Disciples Reformation Conference on November 18-20, 2022 in Kerrville, TX. Or you may attend over Zoom. The cost is ALWAYS FREE!!

Please click here to register to attend the conference in person or via Zoom.

Click here to make reservations at the Y.O. Ranch Hotel and Conference Center. We have been given a special conference rate of $139 per night to those who register before 18 Oct 2022.

We start on Friday night with a session from 7-10 p.m. There will be two sessions on Saturday: a morning session from 8:00 a.m. through 2:30 p.m. and an evening session from 7-9 p.m. We will close out the conference with a Discipleship Service held in “The Coming King Sculpture and Prayer Garden,” which is across the interstate from where we will be hosting the conference at the Y.O. Ranch Hotel and Conference Center. The Sunday service will be held from 11:30 a.m. through 1 p.m.

This year’s theme is “The Doctrine of JESUS CHRIST: Learn “How’To” be a True Disciple!” (Hebrews 5:11 – 6:2) Sessions will also include teaching on pastoring and evangelism based on the NT Church seen in Acts.

You can see YouTube videos of our prior conference seminars by visiting our YouTube Channel here: Apostle Kelvin and Ramona Franklin.

We have great teachers who will guide us in exploring the NT Scriptures that teach us “How-To” live as His Followers and Disciples. We will also have a Discipleship Service at The Coming King Sculpture Prayer Garden that overlooks Kerrville. We look forward to seeing you there or online!

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Book – Paul, The Moses of the New Testament Church

This month, March 2022, marks the one (1) year anniversary of the publication of our first book for Galilee Publishing, “Paul, The Moses of the New Testament Church!”

This book is a comprehensive New Testament (NT) Discipleship training resource that provides practical “How’To” Scriptural guidance on living today as an NT DISCIPLE and FOLLOWER of JESUS CHRIST!

This large textbook is 8 1/2″ x 11″ x 3 1/2, weighs 1/2 lbs contains more than 600 pages includes more than 400 passages of Scriptures, contains 33 illustrations/tables/charts, and includes a comprehensive index.

This book examines the common characteristic shared in the Holy Scriptures by “ONLYPaul and Moses. These shared characteristics identify Paul as the Lawgiver to the NT Church as Moses was the Lawgiver to the Old Testament (OT) Church. The book also explains why JESUS selected Paul to go to the Gentiles, kings, and Jews. (Acts 9:15) It also reveals why Paul, like Moses, became the most prolific writers in the Old and New Testaments, respectively, writing the oracles of GOD for those they were called to lead.

Most importantly, this book guides the way to learning how to WALK and PLEASE GOD today as an NT Disciple of JESUS CHRIST. It explains that JESUS intended for the NT Church to learn discipleship through the writings of His Apostles, especially Paul who accounted for 14 of the 27 books in the NT. (St. Matthew 28:18-20; Acts 1:2) Paul’s books, especially Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, and Colossians, provide practical commandments from JESUS on how to live as His NT Disciples. 1 and 2 Thessalonians teach about JESUS return. 1 and 2 Timothy serves as great doctrinal books for the body of JESUS CHRIST; the Eklessia (the called-out ones, the Church). GOD dictated Hebrews to Paul and explains revelations that had been shut up since the beginning of times. Collectively, all the writings of the Apostles and others who wrote the NT provide the Scriptures that are key to Discipleship. (1 Peter 2:1-9; St. Matthew 4:4)

This book contains the wisdom, knowledge, and understanding that Kelvin gained over more than 50 years of reading the Holy Scriptures and seeking GOD’s will and purpose for his life.

The book is available for purchase at the Galilee Publishing online bookstore: The book is on sale for $49.99. The book is also offered in a basic version that sells for $34.99.

The book is also available via Amazon: Paul, The Moses of the New Testament Church.

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What is True Discipleship in JESUS CHRIST?

What does TRUE DISCIPLESHIP in JESUS CHRIST LOOK LIKE? Have you seen any evidence of it in your life? What about others who say they are “Christians?” Do you feel that you are far from GOD despite routine attendance, giving, and supporting of the “Organized Church?” Do you feel that you have not grown spiritually? Come and learn with us through the Holy Scriptures!

The Holy Spirit helped me to understand that DISCIPLESHIP is a lost teaching of JESUS CHRIST that is rarely mentioned or taught in the “Organized Church” or today’s “Christian denominations.” The modern “Organized Church” has focused on “membership,” and mostly ignored the concept of DISCIPLESHIP. The “Organized Church” focuses on its own growth while ignoring the growth of the individuals who are supposed to be the living members of the New Testament (NT) Church. (1 Peter 2:2-9)

However, the LORD placed it in my heart that I needed to earnestly focus on teaching DISCIPLESHIP to enable individuals to become wise virgins, prepared for when the LORD returns. (St. Matt. 25:1-13)

FIRST, let me state unequivocally, that you cannot be a TRUE DISCIPLE of JESUS CHRIST if you do not REPENT and FOLLOW JESUS. (St. Matt. 4:17) During JESUS’ day, everyone who wanted to be His DISCIPLE had to leave their former life behind and follow Him. Peter and Andrew did! James and John did! Matthew did! All JESUS’ DISCIPLES had to leave their life behind to follow Him! (St. Matt. 8:22, 9:9, 19:21)

JESUS CHRIST came and introduced us to the Kingdom of GOD and commanded REPENTANCE. (St. Matt. 4:17, 6:33) JESUS taught that those who would come after Him, MUST “deny themselves, take up their cross, and follow Him,” and He called those who FOLLOWED Him, DISCIPLES. (St. Matt. 16:24-28) JESUS CHRIST further declared that individuals must continue in His WORD to become “His DISCIPLES INDEED!(St. John 8:30-32)

JESUS did not ask us today to leave our homes to follow Him. However, He did command that we MUST LEAVE SIN and that we needed to “live by EVERY WORD THAT PROCEEDETH OUT OF THE MOUTH OF GOD!(St. Matt. 4:4, 17) TRUE DISCIPLESHIP starts to happen in our lives when we begin to earnestly read and study the NT Holy Scriptures. The NT Scriptures were written by those who JESUS taught to be His Disciples. These are the writings of the Apostles. It is through the Apostles’ writings that constitute the NT text that we learn how to FOLLOW JESUS! (St. Matt. 28:18-20; Acts 1:2; 2 Tim. 2:15; 2 Peter 3:8-18)

Continue to follow our post as we share the Holy Scriptures that teach us HOW to live our lives as TRUE FOLLOWERS and DISCIPLES of JESUS CHRIST!

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Scriptural Analysis of Salvation (see Chart)

Do you want to understand Salvation as it is written in the Holy Scriptures? Apostle Kelvin Franklin created this remarkable chart that enables you to visualize DISCIPLESHIP and SALVATION.

Remember, JESUS CHRIST declared that every one MUST BE “BORN AGAIN” of the WATER and of the HOLY SPIRIT to see the Kingdom of Heaven! (St. John 3:1-7) It was also JESUS CHRIST who declared, “NOT EVERY ONE that saith unto me, LORD, LORD, SHALL ENTER into the kingdom of heaven; but he that DOETH the WILL of MY FATHER which is in heaven.” (St. Matt. 7:21) JESUS also taught DISCIPLESHIP to those who would follow Him and called them DISCIPLES, NOT Christians,” as most commonly used today. (St. Matt. 16:24-28)

But what does TRUE DISCIPLESHIP and TRUE SALVATIONLOOK LIKE?” How do we know that we are meeting JESUS’ requirement for salvation? Is it merely one’s confession that saves them? Or does it require REPENTANCE and a TRUE FAITH (active BELIEF) in JESUS CHRIST? Can an individual willingly live in SIN and still be assured of salvation?

This chart walks you through a journey of patterns in the Holy Scriptures. You get to read what JESUS said! What His Apostle said! You get to see how JESUS judged the seven (7) churches of Asia in the Book of Revelation! Most importantly, you get to measure your life through the WORD of GOD, the Holy Scriptures. Paul wrote, “EXAMINE YOURSELVES, WHETHER YE BE IN THE FAITH; PROVE YOUR OWN SELVES. Know ye not your own selves, how that Jesus Christ is in you, except ye be REPROBATES?(2 Cor. 13:5) (Reprobate was translated from the Greek word adokimos (G96), which means reprobate, worthless, castaway, and rejected.)

I encourage you to go on this journey to be assured of your salvation so you will be prepared for the LORD’s return. (2 Peter 1:5-11; 3:8-18)

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