About the Blog

Greetings in the Name of our LORD and SAVIOUR JESUS CHRIST!  This blog was created to serve as a tool for true Disciples in JESUS CHRIST who want to understand and follow the pattern of the New Testament (NT) Church that was formed on the Day of Pentecost (Acts 2:41-47).


This blog was designed with you in mind!!!   Now, you can also join us in our weekly interactive teleconference Scriptural studies where you can join others in weekly readings, discussions, and studies led by me and Ramona!  (Click here for more information)

This Blog serves to answer questions that are yearning in the mind of many of those who truly want to serve JESUS CHRIST but yet find themselves frustrated by the issues and challenges confronted in the modern Organized Churches.  A frustration felt in one’s spirit when they feel grieved by the HOLY GHOST as they observed the hypocrisy of the leadership or the lack of focus in the teaching and observance of the Holy Scriptures (“the bible”) or the teaching and evangelizing through the NAME of JESUS CHRIST!

I sense a movement is underfoot by TRUE Disciples who want to shake off the effect and emptiness of the modern Organized Church in pursuit of GOD and His plan for the NT Church that we witnessed in the Scriptures.

This blog helps one to STOP the concept of “going to church” and it helps individuals to start “being the NT Church of JESUS CHRIST” that GOD called each of the Disciples in JESUS CHRIST to become as true Follower of Yeshua (JESUS)!

This is not a call to go against the Organized Church or to depart from its midst because GOD wants His Disciples to be everywhere.  This is a call for Disciples to examine themselves (1 Cor. 11:23-31) and find a true fellowship with GOD so they can be the Church of JESUS CHRIST in every aspect and area of their lives.

The LORD is calling for us to love and follow Him in our hearts and to follow his scriptures.  The NT Church Movement Blog will share important Scripture lessons, patterns, and truths to assist Disciples in finding the fulfilling Fellowship with GOD through JESUS CHRIST that they so long for to fill the emptiness that most of mankind feels today.

This Blog expresses this movement that is now happening where men and women and boys and girls feel the prompting of the HOLY GHOST to seek this deeper Fellowship that GOD means for all mankind to experience.  We do not want to create an organization but to serve as a voice and teacher for individuals who seek to truly belong to the NT Church that the LORD JESUS CHRIST created.

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